The Pharmaceutical Distributors Association of Hong Kong (PDA) was formed in March 2005. We have 13 committee members (at October 2016) and with more than 50 memberships in 2016. Members are wholesalers and Secondary Labelling manufacturing Licence holders with a full line of warehousing and supply chain operation in drugs and medical devices and GMP standard pharmaceutical Secondary Labelling operation. Our member companies provide a significant percentage on the smaller share of the remaining approximately 30% of the prescription medicines and over the counter drugs trade in Hong Kong.
The Association was formed to provide information on matters relating to the wholesaling, retailing, Secondary Labelling and devices markets to its members. We valued the Association to improve the relationship between our member companies and the Government, Hospital Authority central procurement office, Department of Health (Pharmaceutical Service), healthcare related societies and the community.
On the 1 January 2016, Hong Kong became a member of PICS/GMP and with it the Secondary Labelling standard of our members will also need to raise to PICS/GMP standard in the near future. Department of Health has also required our members to fully comply with the Code of Practice implemented by the end of 2015. All these measures have changed the way we used to operate in the industry and drastically increased our members’ workload and resources that we need to invest before we can meet the Department of Health stringent new standards. The Association is at its pivotal position to channel our members’ needs and demand back to Department of Health in order to smooth out the impact incurred by all these new regulations.
In view of all these new challenges we need to come together as a collective force to share valuable experiences within our members and seek professional and expertise advice from other institutions like the HK Productivity Council, HK Institute of Biotechnology Ltd. etc on solving the operational procedures, warehouse temperature mapping, temperature/data logger and quality management system just to name a few issues that are all new to the whole industry. Through our Association we can liaise closely with other pharmaceutical disciplines like HK General Chamber of Pharmacy & The Association of HK Health Care Professionals etc. to build up a united healthcare front in order to coordinate necessary collective action should we need to at controversial political issues.
With the rapidly changing political and economic environment of today, the pharmaceutical industry will also face many challenges and The Association will act as a platform to let our members to air their opinions, share their experience and market intelligence so as to strengthen ourselves for the benefit of the whole industry to thrive for many more years to come.
The objects for which the Association is established are:-
1.To promote and advance the interest, character, status and efficiency of the wholesale distribution of pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services
2. To promote the spirit and ethic of fair trade in the pharmaceutical and healthcare product wholesale business.
3. To promote and educate supply chain management in relation to pharmaceutical and healthcare product and services.
4. To enhance, promote and safeguard business interest of members in a professional and lawful manner.
5. To strengthen the relationship and develop mutual cooperation among members.
6. To advance and support innovations in technology and logistics in the wholesale business of pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services.
7. To encourage and assist the relevant authorities to fight against counterfeits and importation of unregistered medicines.
8. To cooperate and affiliate with other bodies and organizations in the promotion of pharmaceutical and other allied health professions.
9. To represent the views of the pharmaceutical wholesale profession in all matters affecting the interests of the members of the Association.
10. To assist in the promotion or opposition of legislations affecting the distribution and sale of pharmaceutical and healthcare products and service.
11. To establish, maintain, conduct and provide club-houses, reading rooms, recreation rooms, refreshment rooms and other places of gathering and to afford accommodation for professional meetings and gatherings of all descriptions.
12. To furnish and maintain such house or building for use as an association and to permit the same to be used with or without payment or upon such terms as shall be agreed on and, if thought fit, to manage the affairs of the Association or any of them, and generally to do whatever may seem best to promote the interests of the Association.
13. To encourage and promote mutual welfare, good fellowship, charity, education, teaching, economics, commerce and industry among the members of the Association and between the members of the Association and the members of the general public.
14. To establish, conduct, operate and superintend school or schools and other educational institution or training centres and to provide such education free of charge or on moderate terms.
15. To establish, promote and maintain libraries, and reading and writing rooms, and to furnish the same with books, reviews, magazines, newspapers and other publications and issue, print or publish any publications, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, reports or leaflets as the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objects.
16. To accept and receive any gift of property, donations, subscriptions, funds and bequests, whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more of the objects of the Association and to act as custodian, trustee or manager of all or any of such properties or funds.
17. To raise money by subscription or other lawful means for the purpose of any of the objects herein provided.
18. To apply or make representations to the Government for grants of land to the Association for the purpose of promoting education, recreation, entertainment and social welfare.
19. To promote athletic games and other sports and held whether alone, or jointly with any other society, association, club or persons, meetings, competitions and matches for the playing of games of all kinds and to offer, give or contribute towards prizes, medals and awards therefore.
20. To buy, sell, prepare, make, supply, and deal in all kinds of provisions required or used by the members of the Association and other persons frequenting the Association premises.
21. To hire and employ and remunerate and from time to time, if thought fit, dismiss and replace with others such clerks teachers or servants or other employees as the Association may think fit and lawyers accountants surveyors or other professional or non-professional advisers or consultants as may be considered expedient.
22. To give pensions, gratuities, or charitable aid to any person who may have served the Association, or to the members of the general public; to make payments towards insurance; and contribute to provident and benefit funds for the benefit of any persons employed by the Association.
23. To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting, and to subscribe to, or become a member of, or amalgamate with, any other society or associations whose objects are similar or in part similar to the objects of the Association, or the establishment or promotion of which may be beneficial to the Association and the general public.
24. To purchase, take on lease, in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any land, buildings, easements, rights or properties whether real or personal, which the Association may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society.
25. To obtain vacant possession of any building or buildings on any land or lands belonging to the Association, to apply to any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction for such purposes, to pay compensation therefore, to demolish the same and to lay out and prepare for building purposes any land or lands belonging to or in which the Association is interested, either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
26. To grant, sell, surrender, demise, let, transfer, yield up, improve, alter, develop, erect, construct, manage, lease, charge, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the properties of the Association upon such terms as the Association may deem fit.
27. To borrow any money required for the purposes of the Association upon such terms and on such securities as may be determined.
28. To lend money to such persons, organisations or institutions on such terms as may seem expedientand to guarantee the performance of contracts by any such persons, organisations or institutions inconnection with the objects of the Association.
29. To invest and deal with the moneys of the Association not immediately required upon such securitiesor otherwise in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
30. To draw, make, accept, indorse, discount, execute and issue cheques, bills of exchange, and othernegotiable or transferable instruments.
31. To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the aboveobjects.